
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Side tracked by Martha Stewart

Today I was going to start emptying my "pink room" but since my master bedroom was already started I figured I would set out to finish that...I do like to have more then one project happening at the same time, why have one room smell like paint when you can have all of them? So with the master underway and the  light grey paint already opened I set forth on another project today: the living room. Like I mentioned previously we like to get our paint second hand at the Habitat for Humanity in our area (all returned paint to Home Depot.) Needless to say 'you get what you get' and we strive to get more than one use from it; more than one project from a can sort of deal. Today's beginner project was found here at Martha Stewart. I was using light grey for some of the bedroom walls, perfect to add some water and then sponge it on as my grout look for the bricks I will be painting.

This is my clean slate wall, although I am not sure what the white is floating in the middle, something to do with my flash I am sure:

On Martha's site she pretty much jumps to how to make the bricks; this is me making the grout look. Sponge, paint, water, sponge, paint, get the drift...

Apply to the wall in dabbing motions, I tried to just swipe it on, but felt that dabbing really gave the overall texture I was aiming for.

Here is the finished grout look, I know it is darker in some spots but I am not worried since the bricks will cover the majority of the wall in the end. Plus grout isn't so perfect on brick walls, right?

As for the master bedroom, 3 of 4 walls are complete. The fourth is going to be a different colour, which we did buy, but when I painted the first tid bit on the wall, I decided the colour looked a disgusting, so I will be going back to exchange it for another colour. Eventually I will show you all that room too, but it's really not close to being finished.

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